Cataract Causes, Symptoms and Treatments in Melbourne

glasses placed on top of document that focuses on Cataracts

The human eye is a complex mechanism containing a natural lens which bends (refracts) light coming into the eye to create a sharp image for us to see. The eye to works properly when the lens is clear, however the lens of the eye can become cloudy due to protein degeneration, this is known as cataracts. Cataracts can cause vision to become hazy, blurry or less colourful.

Here at Vista Eyes, we’ve successfully treated thousands of people with cataracts through cataract surgery. Read on to find out more about causes and symptoms of cataracts as well as potential treatment.

Cataract Causes

Cataracts are most commonly associated with ageing. After we turn 40, normal proteins in the lens of our eyes naturally start to break down, potentially leading to clouding. Other causes can include:

  • Genetics
  • Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes
  • Smoking
  • Extensive exposure to sunlight without protection
  • Some medications such as corticosteroids
  • Eye injury, eye surgery or radiation treatments

Cataract Symptoms

Common symptoms when developing a cataract include cloudy, foggy or fuzzy vision in the distance or when reading; a distortion of colours, for example when bright colours become dull; difficulty driving especially at night; and increased sensitivity to bright sunlight or glare.

Sufferers may also require frequent changes in their glasses prescription as they become more short-sighted. At other times, you may notice that your glasses are becoming less useful compared to previous years.

Keep in mind that you don’t need to have a cataract removed if your symptoms aren’t bothering you. New eyeglass prescriptions may suffice to help you see better. You should, however, consider surgery when cataracts affect your quality of life.

Cataract Treatments

Cataracts can only be removed with surgery. Cataract surgery is among the oldest and most common procedures performed worldwide. Alongside advancements in cataract surgical techniques, there have been significant improvements in intraocular lens (IOLs) replacement technology.

During cataract surgery, your eye surgeon will remove your eye’s cloudy natural lens and replace it with an artificial lens called an IOL, which stands for intraocular lens. If you decide to go ahead with cataract surgery, your ophthalmologist will talk with you about intraocular lenses and how they work.

Learn About Cataract Surgery in VIC

You will need a current referral from your optometrist or GP for cataract assessment at Vista Eyes Laser Eye Clinic. Contact us today to arrange a consultation to assess your eye health and discuss potential treatments.


*This information is general in nature.  All medical and surgical procedures have potential benefits and risks.  Consult your ophthalmologist for specific medical advice.