What is Custom LASIK?

Custom LASIK is a personalised vision correction treatment, which uses a computerised device to measure your individual cornea, examining specific corneal irregularities (called aberrations) and calculating how to best improve your vision.  In contrast, standard or traditional LASIK and other laser eye treatments, such as SMILE and Standard PRK, are programmed based only on the prescription of your glasses or contact lenses, which does not take your corneal aberrations into account.

Topography guided technology allows your eye surgeon to customise where the laser will remove tissue from the cornea, taking into account your cornea’s individual shape and irregularities.

Custom LASIK has the ability to improve not just the clarity of your near and far vision, but it can also improve the quality of your vision.

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Vista Eyes Laser Eye Clinic is the only clinic in Melbourne to offer custom LASIK.  Call us to book your free, no-obligation consultation and find out if you are a suitable candidate.